Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Tiger Rising

The Tiger Rising, a haiku
deep in Florida
there was a hidden tiger
two kids let it go

Since my last post, the only book I finished was The Tiger Rising, which is such a short book that it could be called a short story. I read the entire book in less than an hour. Even in its brevity, the book covered some serious issues: bad bosses, bullying, culture shock, death of a parent, divorce, moving to a new place, and poverty. There were also positive messages of family and friendship, even if times are difficult.

In an academic context, this book might be best for middle school, maybe in conjunction with journal writing exercises. Teachers might ask students Have you ever found a friendship in unexpected places? or How would you deal with a tiger in a cage? Would you let it go if you could?

I still have a big stack of library books for my "summer reading" - which might have to happen after I start the school year again on August 4.

Hoping to finish Smart Girls in the 21st Century soon so I can get back to pleasure reading. Although, it's been a very educational book - glad I am enjoying my summer "homework"!

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